In 40 years of strategical thinking, Alan Amron’s creative juices have resulted in various American inventions.
His original contribution to the world occurred in 1973, when the Brooklyn-born Amron discovered Press-on Memo. It is known today as Post-It notes by 3M.
Amron sustained his licensed inventions focus, authoring a 40-year journey that compromises equal parts labor and fascination.
The entrepreneur and concept promoter briefly dabbled into the entertainment business, helping Muhammed Ali launch a television career.
Amron raked in $9 million in sales during his first year with battery-powered squirt water guns.
Now, in the ever-changing world of sports technology, Amron has launched a First Down Laser System.
It projects a first down line across the field. The laser depicts where the first down is located, replacing the imaginary line football fans are accustomed to seeing on the screen.
The idea permeated Amron’s brain 10 years ago when he was sprawled across his couch watching an NFL game.
“I saw the yellow line showing the line to gain (first down line) each play,” said Amron in his thick New York drawl.
“I loved it, and could not watch a game without it anymore. But it wasn’t until I went to an actual game, when I realized it was just a graphic on TV and not on the field. I was extremely disappointed.”
He channeled that disappointment, transforming it into motivation. Soon enough, Amron was consumed with his latest project.
The challenge was getting a four-inch wide, 53.3 yards-across first down line on the field.
A visible one, capable of being viewed on television and in the stadium.
A visible one, capable of being viewed on television and in the stadium.
Amron received financial backing from the late and legendary Pat Summerall. Summerall, the famed broadcaster who played for the New York Giants in the late 50s and early 60s, passed in April at age 82.
The benefits Amron envisions with the First Down Laser are plentiful.
According to Amron, the system has the potential to enhance several aspects of the game.
Among these are more accurate first down calls, more accurate placements of the ball, and blink-quick laser line measurement, which will save an average of at least three minutes of every game.
What’s the main factor this invention can provide for the NFL?
“Enhanced in-stadium fan experience, which is number one in all sporting events today,” Amron opined.
One of the more complex and multi-layered team sports, an increasing number of technological concepts are being applied to football. Current-day technology measures more than just statistical categories, player tendencies, and intriguing matchups.
There’s no ceiling on technological creativity that can be incorporated into the game.
“Advanced technology is always going to play a bigger and bigger role, because of the nature of people and the love they have for new great, exciting things,” Amron said.
“We always want things to be better. New technology makes the fan experience, the coaching experience, the players experience, the officiating experience, and the broadcasting experience all that much better.”