Chopping It Up With: Johnny Keenan: Iona Prep

ZS: It is no secret Johnny, you guys had to adapt rather quickly last year.

New coaching staff, new personnel. How do you describe this team’s growth from the time the 2023-24 season ended to now? Being a guy that’s been here for a while now and a lead guard, how do you sum up the process of the summer grind which coach (Tim) Philp, coach (Joe) Cirasella now has everyone all in on?

JK: Last year, we had a lot of changes so it was a big adjustment. We had a new coaching staff and a lot of new guys with new roles. We gelled together as a team and we just continue to build. This year, we are way more experienced and confident in what we can do. We return a lot of key players. All of the guys really like playing together and everyone always plays hard for each other too. We have a talented team. And, (we enter next season) battle tested. We’re ready to show our best this season.

ZS: What do you guys pinpoint as sources of motivation? How do you sustain that desire to win through a long summer? It’s no secret, you look across the CHSAA “AA,” there really aren’t any easy outs. It is a pretty unforgiving schedule.

JK: Last season didn’t end the way we wanted it to. We feel like we could have done more in the playoffs. So, I think that we are focused on making sure we don’t fall short again. We are a pretty underrated team in the league, but we know we can beat anyone so we just want to surprise a lot of people this year. Especially us seniors– we feel like this is our year to finally elevate Iona Prep to the top.

ZS: We’re taking it back to 2022, youngin… Let’s take it back. You are a freshman guard. If I’m not mistaken, in first ever meaningful varsity minutes, you get thrown into a game against Stepinac at Iona College. Place is packed. Rick Pitino is there. The media presence is heavy. Fan bases are hyped. Thirty seconds after you enter the game, you stick a corner 3-pointer. What was that experience like for you, being on that big stage and making that type of intro?

JK: I remember that game well. It was awesome to be a part of that rivalry, because I had grown up watching a bunch of those games.

I just remember some of the upperclassmen telling me that I was only a freshman and to go out and just have fun and enjoy that moment. I just took it all in. It’s always fun playing in that atmosphere with such a big crowd. I knew I was ready for that environment. Knocking down a three to start, it helped me get my confidence going.

ZS: What has the team set out as realistic goals and aspirations for this season at Iona Prep?

JK: I mean the goal is definitely to win a championship. This is my last season obviously, and I hope to go out with a chip. It’s going be tough. We believe in ourselves. Coach Tim and Coach Joe definitely believe we have the ability to win as well. So really, our mentality is to just stay locked in and see what we can do.

ZS: The unique aspect of the Iona Prep/Stepinac rivalry, is it never loses any of its luster. Regardless of who is on the floor. It’s always one of the biggest, most anticipated games of the year in the area. How would you describe this rivalry and being part of it?

JK: It’s just a great rivalry. There’s always a great atmosphere and the energy in the gym is just different. It’s always just a competitive game with a huge crowd, so it’s just fun to play in. They were very talented last year and got the better of us. Hopefully, we can pull out a win next year.

ZS: How would you describe Coach (Tim) Philp’s style and what are some of the bedrock tenets he preaches as a coach?

JK: I’d say coach Tim puts a lot of trust in us. He wants us to play free and play loose. The main thing is making sure the ball doesn’t stick and just moving the ball at a high level. We can play with pace and run in transition but also execute in the offense. It’s just fun to play, fun to work in that system.


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